2019-2020 Strategic Plan

The Forest Lawn Community Association (FLCA) has been working on the 2019-2020 Strategic Plan to guide our work over the next year. We are going to be focusing on two areas: improving communications with residents and addressing social disorder issues within the community. 

In the past, communication between residents and businesses in the community has been limited. We are planning different ways to share information about programs and services offered by the FLCA, community events, and volunteer opportunities. As part of this plan, we are using our Facebook and Instagram accounts more often. Also, we have updated our website so that you can find information about the FLCA and the community hall more easily. If you would like to receive community updates by email, please sign-up for our email list. 

We understand that residents and businesses in the area are concerned about social disorder issues within our community. These concerns include things like abandoned buildings, illegal garbage dumping in alleys, sex work, and illicit drug use. We are working on establishing a community social disorder task force. The FLCA Vice president has been meeting with representatives from various social agencies, City of Calgary departments and Provincial agencies. If you are interested in participating in the task force please sign-up using our volunteer application process.